Monday, June 24, 2013

tak ada bezanya ...

aku pendam benda ni lama
terasa nak gelak kat sapa yang dok sibuk compare course masing2
cam *kau xde kerja ke?

bukan nak marah ke apa
aku cuma tak suka apabila ada yang cakap

*eleh course kau senang laa  baca je
xpayah nak baca akta apa semua

*eleh , course kau belajar apa jer 
management? rights of employers employee?
kau xpayah nak buat jalan kerja kira bnyk2

etc etc etc

tapi aku sebenarnya akan paling terasa bila kena compare dgn budak law
mungkin sebab aku xdpt masuk that faculty
( perhaps bagus jugak , sbb akrg aku xminat law dah - kot )
cuma bila ada yang kata
 we slept late at night 
bnyk benda nak kena ingat
kau usaha lebih bagai
kami pun study xtido juga
= )

sebab kedua
semua course pun ada susah senang dia jugak
course aku jugak
aku jadi x berapa suka bila orang kata course aku 
cam xde masa depan
 * ouh , pentadbiran korporat 
_ pastu tayang muka rasa course aku xbagus bagai

tapi ni xsemua yang bercakap eh
segelintir je
dah tu yang aku pendam dalam hati
nak hambur kat orang nanti ada pulak yg bertindak luar batasan
ini sekadar perasaan aku sahaja

sebab bagi aku
setiap course
course aku
course kau
semua berusaha keras utk dpt keputusan yang hebat
tak mudah 
aku juga mengaku
course aku cover bnyk bidang
kira2 , pentadbiran , undang2 , bahasa
course lain juga ada cabaran dia juga
jadi aku pun x ada hak nak compare
sebab bila tgk budak course lain belajar pun teruk sampai demam2
thats why kena kawan dengan orang dari fakulty yang berlainan
baru kau nampak susah senang diorang
baru kau rasa tak layak nak compare
masing2 berusaha kuat

jadi aku merasakan
tak wajar utk meletakkan taraf atau tahap kesusahan itu pada sesetengah course sahaja
masing2 ad pros dan cons dia
ada susah senang dia

tu kata
kalau kau study , prepare elok2
course apa kau hadap pun
inshaa Allah kau score jugak

tapi yang penting kena usaha laa

I think its better kau belajar sesungguhnya
dari sibuk nak compare course yg ada dgn yang lain

p/s :
ni x ditujukan pada sesetangah course , tapi pada semua 
so ... yeah
no offence

final exam semester 2 and an angel to be missed

it has been a long time
in japanese language we call it as - hisashiburi 
correct me if I am wrong
yoroshiku onegai itashimasu

recently a lot of things happened to me

got a shock news that a good friend of mine during foundation passed away
I was so shocked like really
I stayed in silence the whole day
she was really a good friend
an angel I could say 
coz she never did bad things to others
thats how she always act 
and thats what makes us 
 all her friends 
going to miss her even more
I hope and prayed that Allah will always bless you

ehm I guess I could proceed to the next topic 
if we count on the days
I only have few days left for the first final paper
seriously we dont even have a study week like what we had previous semester
so here's the schedule

26/6 - economy
1/7 - business law
4/7 - industrial relations
7/7 - statistic
11/7 - account II
14/7 - management

few days left
and we just finish the last class last week
last week was hectic

monday - test law
tuesday - test account
thursday - test economy
friday - test statistic

my myself not sure how many hours we got to sleep
well thats really just a stupid reason to be said
screwed me for not preparing earlier

I really feel that it is not proper to complaint much
If I do , I might do it in another entry 
perhaps ( =_= )
bad idea it was
I know

dear self
stay focus

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rasa kebagusan

Aku tahu tak senang nak tutup mulut yang sentiasa terbuka
ada sahaja benda yang di kata
Kalau boleh setiap inci ruang penjuru mahu dibicara

Kes kes assume apa yang org tu rasa
Apa orang tu fikir mmg selalu terjadi
Aku pun ada buat (T_T)
Dan aku sendiri kadang xsuka situasi tu

Mungkin isu gurauan xla jadi perkara besar
Dia bila sampai isu sensitif pun kau nak buat main
or kau saja nk konon bagi nasihat nak tenangkan hati dia
tapi dalam masa yang sama kau xtgk or ckp berdasarkan situasi yang dia tgh alami
Mesti dia rasa kau saja nak tunjuk bagus
mungkin ... mana aku nak tahu hati dia

Tapi ... mmg manusia ini kompleks
Susah nak jangka

Maka kau perlu belajar
kenali emosi manusia
makin kau pandang
Sebenarnya banyak benda kau boleh belajar

Tapi apa pun
Semua benda ikut pandangan sisi kau
Aku dengan pandangan sisi aku
apa aku lihat mungkin xsama dengan apa yang kau lihat

Tu sahaja
Sehingga lain entri

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Soal selidik ?

Selalu aku nampak manusia berbual
Rancak sgt ... macam tak ingat dunia
kemain kan analogi
tapi aku selalu terfikir
Apa yang mereka bualkan

Selalunya (aq x tipikal tp realitinya)
certain group suka nak tunjuk dia ada itu ini
sesetengah lagi tak mahu nak kalah
nak tunjuk jugak dia ada apa
walaupun ada gelak ketawa antara mereka
tapi dalam hati masing-masing nak jugak tunjuk lagak dia
perkataan kalah tu tiada dalam kamus hidup ( kata mereka lah )

Kalau dah habis cerita kat situ je takpe
ni kes yang bila balik rumah jaja cerita berlawanan 180°
lepas tu cerita yang mereka yang  mendengar tersebar jadi cerita berlainan versi
kesudahannya...siapa yang untung dalam kisah ini?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

( Lee Hi - Rose ) with English translation

hello all
I want to promote this one sone
sang by Lee Hi
titled Rose

for me
this song bring deep meaning
idk about the rest
but for me it is

so here's the English translation of the song

My love is like a red rose
It may be beautiful now
But my sharp thorns will hurt you
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you
Don’t look at me with that light glance
Don’t speak of love easily
If you want my heart, you need to take my pain too
Because you will be pricked by my thorns someday
Don’t trust me too much
You don’t know me that well yet
So just run away run away
I said ooh ooh ooh
Don’t love me
You don’t know me that well yet
I said run away just run away
Don’t come to me
My love is like a red rose
It may be beautiful now
But my sharp thorns will hurt you
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you
Seeing your confidence makes me feel so bad for you
Your confident footsteps toward me looks so pitiful today
Emotions? That’s an extravagance to me
Love? That’s Obsession’s best friend
So run away just run away
Cuz you and I must come to an end
Every rose has its thorn
Every rose has its thorn
Every rose has its thorn
Don’t trust me too much
You don’t know me that well yet
So just run away run away
I said ooh ooh ooh
Don’t love me
You don’t know me that well yet
I said run away just run away
Don’t come to me
My love is like a red rose
It may be beautiful now
But my sharp thorns will hurt you
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you