Friday, May 30, 2014

There are times ...

there are times
when you feel that you are nothing

there are times 
when you feel that you are everything

everything is depends on you

well , tbh
I did most things that relates to me
well , who wouldn't do the same for themselves ain't it?

what relates to me?
few days ago , I met my friend
someone that I haven't for really a long time
to that one friend
thank you so much for always understanding me
as what happened to you that concerned to me so much
I do take it as something that I should repay back
since you always there by side too
thank you so much

and to this one friend
tbh , I changed a lot
as in , the way I portrayed myself to people
it won't shown up in front of you
how much I hide or change it
I will be myself back 
when I am around someone that I am comfortable with
you are one of that comfortable friend that I am with
that's it
okay , I sounds weird lalalala

sounds funny?
might not be

why I am saying all these?
some people make me be someone who would pissed them off like really
my sarcasm skills might have increased I guess?
I just , sometimes 
too tired to bare with others problems
that is why
sometimes I don't bother about others at all
unless you are someone thats really close to me
thats matter the most
coz , not much will
with this annoying girl


I always need time to brain things
I know I am not good at most field
but with some people
I survive too
ahh , why this sounds so complicated?

and now I wanna scream
why all these works and submissions
can't finish on their own?
I am so tired doing it
and now I am blabbering like idk
talking things that might sounds rubbish to some

I need to find the times when

I can meet myself back !

> angyeong <

p/s :

and there are times when
you show the other side of you
so people can't recognize what you are trying to hide from them
I still am ... a human

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Xiah Junsu - DBSK / Tohoshinki 's Medley

A big hug to all Cassiopeia , JYJ Fans and Big East
its already the second day of the ballad concert
and the highlight for me should be the medley stage

I cry with all I might listening to the medley
it was unexpected
XIAH JUNSU sings Tohosinki's song !

yesterday , he cried
now he said he wont ( lol , junsu , you are so cute )

I am gonna put the video at the end of the entry
it was from yesterday's performance
when Junsu cried at the end.

I am happy
honestly happy
coz this is my first time streaming JYJ's stage from far
thank you so much !!!
Xiah , you really made my day

here is the translation for 2nd day's concert
right before medley's stage

cr : as tagged 

Tohoshinki's Medley :

3) SKY

#XiaBalladConcert #ThankYouXiahJunsu

#XIAinTokyo #XIAinJapan

Welcome to university life .... le juniors [ especially those who get UiTM :) ]

Hello hai.
its me Syaf :)

so untuk entry ni 
ditulis khas untuk 96 - liners.
congratulations. be it korang dapat kat mana pun
semua sama. dan itu adalah yang terbaik untuk anda semua.
embrace it ! you will do well ! 
I believe in all of you , so ... do believe in yourself okay?

to those yg baru baca my blog.thanks.
so akak akan cerita sikit my flow of studies.
tak gempak sangat pun , tapi akak harap ia membantu.

( this entry will be in mix languages , sorry , i will try to make it as leisure as I can )

dalam kata yang mudah.
akak pelajar asasi undang-undang dan skrg dalam tahun kedua ijazah
Pentadbiran Korporat 
both foundation and degree are with UiTM.
Jadi akak hanya boleh detailkan untuk pelajar uitm sahaja
yg selebihnya , i will try to help with all I might.

asasi akak buat dalam setahun
( batch akak adalah batch pertama yg asasi dibuat dalam masa setahun )
dan ijazah akak : 3 tahun
( I have another year to finish my degree , iA :) 

jadi akak skop kan entry ini kepada level adik2 sekalian
asasi dan diploma.
( tp akak boleh khusus utk asasi je , sorry , utk diploma , try to look at other site too ^^ )

setiap semester ada 5-6 bulan. dan biasanya kita akan ada break sebulan 
atau sebulan lebih untuk ke semester seterusnya.
( * rujuk pada kalander akademik setiap semester okay? )
biasanya kalander akademik utk pelajar asasi dan ijazah adalah lain


dan akak dah carikan siap2 korang punya academic calander

if perasan , dekat surat tawaran korang ada no matiks kan?
okay , sila hafal no tu , no tu adalah no yang melambangkan diri korang
( my matrics no starts with 2012****** )
haa , korang punya start dgn 2014 la kan? 

basically , student portal kita boleh di akses
dengan lebih detail apabila korang log in dgn no matrik korang
kalau korang buka link yg akak bagi kat atas
dia ada bg direction utk log in kan?
okay , if awal2 ni , baru first time nak masuk
korang punya password is your IC number.
cuba try log in , akak tak sure korang punya data dah ada atau belum
but if you manage to log in , nanti tukar la password siap ^^
next time nak log in tu pakai password baru je :)

the rest , boleh explore sendiri
banyak dik kalau nak cerita semua
akak boleh tolong sikit2 je , haha

okay , so apa yg penting buat masa skrg?
ada certain yg tnya kat akak siap2 , apa yg diorang tak tau

1) MDS 

MDS stands for Minggu Destini Siswa.
kalau waktu sekolah dulu , dia sama macam minggu orientasi
ada certain yg takut sbb bosan ke apa.
akak rasa MDS ni penting sbb masa ni la korang nak tau
most things pasal UiTM
 seminggu je , tak lama.
akak enjoy MDS akak dulu , so I hope , all of you will feel the same.
mmg penat sikit la , tapi korang pun dah lama cuti kan?
haha , take this oppurtunity well okay? ^^


1) Please print surat tawaran tu bnyk sikit.
awal2 ni mmg nak pakai , utk office simpan , pemohonan apa2 ke , anything la
better prepare awal. doc lain pun , mana yg rasa penting tu , buat la at least 2 salinan. 

2 ) asasi ada bagi tawaran kewangan kan? isi tu awal2 , 
make sure tak ada yg tercicir , follow requirement dia , please siapkan ni sebelum
korang masuk semester. bantuan kewangan ni diberi sekali dalam satu semester.
dia bukan bagi bulan2 eh, kira nanti , pandai2 la korang urus duit masing2 

3) buat akaun BANK ISLAM . okay , ni penting sbb UiTM mmg pakai Bank Islam.
wajib buat akaun bank ni. semua urusan berkaitan dgn bank ini sahaja.
siapa yg belum buka akaun , please buat skrg. jangan buat last minit.
mmg penuh la nanti sebab semua nak bayar yuran time tu jugak. so nanti lambat.

4) gambar passport . rasanya , dalam requirement mmg dah suruh buat. buat la bnyk sikit.
sng nanti.

5) tolong semak semua link yg ada dari surat permohonan. so far yg akak ingat , mmg 
permohonan kewangan , all important docs , mmg dah di attach dalam surat tawaran.
please jgn malas nak buat awal2 , at least kalau tak faham boleh tnya senior , or orang atas :)


Ni untuk soalan selainnya.

1) ada yang tnya nak kena bawa laptop ke tak. akak dulu sbb dari selangor dan asasi di kuantan. jadi akak bawa awal2. tapi akak tak sarankan bawa awal2 sbb masa MDS nanti
jarang ada kat bilik. and bahaya tinggalkan dalam bilik. awal2 semester pun tak pakai sangat. if korang nak bawa nanti pun boleh. lagi selamat bawa bila dah habis MDS la. itu cadangan akak la , sbb risau sbnrnya nak tinggal laptop kat bilik masa MDS kan? :)

2) akak cohort asasi zaman 2011 punya. so mungkin certain things ada yg berubah.
if ada dan tak sama , akak minta maaf bnyk.

3) waktu balik . ada yang tnya ni. ehm . mcm mn nak cakap eh? 
universiti ni. awak belajar sendiri. nak balik bila , nak keluar bila , semua sendiri.
tak de dah kad keluar asrama ke apa dik. pandai awak la jaga diri. tapi masih tertakluk pada undang2 asrama ( kalau korang duduk kolej la ) . thats why , akak nak ingatkan.
jaga diri elok2. jangan terlalu ghairah nak explore semua in rush. and awak belajar ke mana , enjoy ke mana. you guys dah besar , can take care of yourself well right? ^^

4) akak ada tulis post berkaitan asasi law dalam blog akak. cari je label 
Asasi Law Uitm dan label UiTM. Hope that helps ^^

5) buat decision utk masuk universiti sbb pilihan sendiri. akak tak galakkan awak ikut
apa yg kawan buat. setiap orang minat berbeza , dan awak sahaja yg tahu apa minat awak.
this is not a school anymore , you have to decide on your own. yes , mmg best bila ada kawan sekolah sekali , but sampai bila nak berkepit right? you have your own pace to go , if minat sama , lain cerita . so akak harap , you guys can make the best decision. pray hard , buat istikharah and do well with what you decided ^^ 


1) akak tau , ada certain yg segan nak masuk uni sebab rasa
budak sbp ke budak mrsm ke lagi bagus. satu benda akak nak cakap. ya , mmg ada beza sedikit sebab didikan di sekolah berlainan ada beza caranya. tapi , apabila awak dah masuk universiti , semua jadi sama level balik. nam saying? :P
awak nak capai apa2 , semua kena usaha sendiri. akak dah nampak macam orang , 
ada yg excel waktu sekolah , tapi dkt universiti main2 , tak score jugak kan?
maknanya , usaha tu yg bezakan awak dgn orang lain. jangan down awal2. akak tau korang mesti boleh buat punya :)

2) selalu fikir positif ! 
ni penting , sbb awak skg dah tak ada kawan2 sekolah yg satu geng dgn awak nak main sama2 ke apa. THIS IS UNIVERSITY. awak kena fikir , semua decisions skrg ada kat tangan awak. main2 , scholarship kena tarik , and go anywhere ( cth ) ... or excel.
tak salah berkawan , pandai2 la bawa diri. 

3 ) please please please , belajar utk hargai orang di sekeliling. 
jujur kata , waktu belajar adalah waktu yg paling seronok. awak semua dah meningkat dewasa. mungkin ada certain , dah habis ijazah , terus kerja. 
maksudnya , waktu nak belajar semua benda dgn kawan2 , 
ada waktu ni la. appreciate orang lain juga. buat assigment betul2. jangan nak dapat markah free sahaja. nanti awak gain nothing. cth , awak excel sbb assignment orang buat , at the end , awak dapat apa? nothing right? belajar la sama2 , study sama2 , excel sama2 ^^

4) akak sarankan , at least , set a goal korang nak capai apa.
DO WHAT YOU LIKE , LOVE WHAT YOU DO. tapi dalam masa yg sama , ada plan dgn
hidup , apa yg korang nak capai. baru perjalanan tu bermakna :3

5) well , i cant say much about relationship etc , sbb akak pun tak fikir sgt.
if you guys ada...pandai2 la manage everything :)

6) if you are a kpoper , spazzing2 jugak , belajar jangan lupa okay? ^^
( okay , this is a bit special , since i am a kpoper too :P )

idk if i help much
akak boleh kongsi apa yg boleh dikongsi.
if terkurang atau terlebih dari yang sepatutnya
harap maaf.

bnyk sangat sesi dalam entry ni.
sesi motivasi , sesi membebel semua ada.
apa yang baik , please take it.
apa yg buruk , sila jauhkan.

untuk adik2 sekalian. 
belajar elok2. akak doakan yang terbaik untuk anda semua.
tak susah pun tulis benda ni , tpi harap korang appreciate this.

akak harap korang jadi orang berguna untuk agama , bangsa dan negara.
ingat , tak mudah nak dapat peluang belajar. ramai lagi yg masih
berlumba-lumba nak dapat tempat belajar. gunakan peluang ini sebaiknya.

please , believe in yourself. gunakan peluang ini untuk belajar, belajar dan belajar.
banyak lagi yang kita kurang sbnrnya. harap2 , kita boleh kongsi ilmu dgn orang lain juga
dan menjadi satu amalan baik utk diri kita dan yg lain.

thats all

anything , do buzz me
inshaa Allah , i will try to reply back ^^

sincerely , Syaf ^^

Monday, May 12, 2014

I am not comfortable

there are times when you want to be all free
as in all your actions , movements and words 
are taken lightly by others
so you can be free that way

when it comes to different genders
someone might misinterpret what you said
your look at them or might be your movements
as ... " hey , I like you "

or even when
when you know he likes you ( or she likes you )
you couldn't say anything since you can sense it
but you dont even like him / her at the first place

( I might do the same to others. If yes , byane. I am not perfect either )

for me
don't try too hard
you make me uncomfortable with you

I want someone to try hard to get me
who wouldn't want that
especially when it comes to choose a partner for your life
that is different perspective
since marriage is sth different.

but when in a lecture
people want to focus
and you want to talk lalala
like hello
what do you want to show me?

a guy who could catch up all things directly
when someone is speaking in front but you don't bother to listen?

nam saying?

I have some level that I could go
I am not demanding but situations make me

I am not good either
but as a student
I want to focus
and I as a friend of yours
I want you to do the same

so ....


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Kemahiran Insaniah and Happy Mothers Day ^^

Hello fellas
now is 10.17 pm . 11 of May 2014
first of all 
Happy Mothers Day to all mothers in the world
and especially to my mom
I love you much
this is what I can confidently said
without doubt
that I seriously love you so much
really really really
thank you so much
( ok , sounds exaggerating :P )
- the rest , I told her already through call did I did few moments ago  -

so today
I just finish my 6th KI modul
it is Kemahiran Insaniah
that you have to do 
and have to complete it
fail to do so , you have to repeat it
( since it sort of a 'school' that you need to finish )

I am so tired
like really really really tired
but I can't sleep either
have a lot of works and submissions to be done
tomorrow , I have a test and presentation to be done

psst ....
now I even listening to DBSK's songs like a crazy girl while writing this , lmao 
1) I cant really sleep to rest
2) I am a Cassiopeia ( err )
3) I dont feel like sleeping until my works done? lols

back to topic XP
my weekend has been taken away
so I need to use these time left for my works
omg T_T

( my brother call me this evening , thank you , sobs , imy ~_~ )

btw , the program held were from 8 am to 6pm ( roughly )
I learnt a lot
it even made me to feel like a numb too
since these modules were about
self development and entrepreneurship

self development's module was held on Saturday
I enjoyed this module so much
thanks to the facilitator
I learnt that I need to know a lot of things
around me and the world
well , tbh , I did know
but I don't really bother to know
so I need to change that
final year is approaching me ahead
I need to be damn serious about most things

and for today's module
I learnt about entrepreneurship
I know I lacked a lot in most fields
when I saw my friends presenting about their ideas
I feel that I need to be more innovative and creative
and when it comes to entrepreneurship
I know I have my own interest towards this field
but I know I need to learnt lot

when I learnt about development of business
way to control the way
way to handle the resources
I know the thoughts of all risks are around
I know there wont be any easy steps to even stand straight
on this arena
but then again 
courage is needed
and this is where I need to develop

I dont fear the least courage that I have
I fear the knowledge that I have
I know how I see things
and I know with what I have
this wont be enough to face things outside fearlessly

though I thought that I am good in my studies
this doesnt mean that I can survive well
isn't it?

isn't this should be a fear that I should be afraid off?
well , tbh
I should put all negative thoughts away
learning could be in so any ways
and I know I can do well 
just in matter of time
that whether I can step out when I face the reality later

do you think I am able to do it?

I know I have to answer this myself
so ...

ganbarimashooooooooo !!! 


Friday, May 9, 2014

another touch about fandom

some might say 
" ouh wow , you are still talking about your fandom here"

" cant you just forget about kpop and live your life "

if any

1) this is my blog
2) music is my interest
3)  I need to know ( for some official reason that I can't tell )
4 ) yes , I am a student , and I still need to concentrate on my studies
4) if what I did might concern about your life ( I am sorry ) but if not ( STFU )

so yeah , lets proceed
I am writing concerning to the issues related to babys
I wasn't there last night ( or even last few days )
due to all my works.
so I updated this late and get the info 
from some people that I am close with
and scrolling the whole thing on TL 
and seeing what is actually happening
tho not the whole thing but I do get some picture about it

I don't deserve much to talk about it
but you could refer about that here
Isa does point out good points ( in my opinion )


[ POST ] NOTICE: Concerning the "issue" between fans and TS/managers (Explications)

thank you