Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thank You :)

That was a long duration of time though
6 hours

I am pretty sure that we haven't meet and talked 
for such a long time

I really do miss talking to you
and I am glad seeing that we are both doing so well
and I am glad that we can always stay this way
up till now

idk what to say
but I am always feel thankful
to know you
to be a good friend to you
to listen to you
to get this trust from you

thank you so much


its not only for you
but for all of my best friends
good friends

those who always care and listen to me
and be there when I really need them
I am always feel glad to know all of you
I know that I cant offer much
but as long as I breath
I cant promise to be good
but if you are good to me
I will try and give out my best
to do the same

but that is the least that I can do
biggest thing that I can do is
to pray and hope the best for all of you
that HE will always protect
and bless your lives
and forever

I am a human
I will die one day
along the way
I hope that I will always do good things to others
and receive good things too ^^

hope that HE can let that happened
for a long time 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Keep on...

Of how much I think I have worked hard
Of how much I think I have sacrificed all efforts
TBVH...It is not enough

This journey
This life path
Allah has gave me a chance to correct it back

As a servant...what have I done?
As a daughter...what have I gave?
As a friend...what can I offer?
As a human...what could I give?

I am exist for reasons
Though I know I am a bit selfish...
I know that I exist for something...


I have lot to learn
I have lot to correct
I know I am in no position to give others advices
I hope that Allah will give strength for me...

To keep on...