have you ever thought that being a housewife is the easiest job to do?
well i will say that it is not that way
you know
starting early in the morning
they have to boil the water , think on what to prepare for breakfast
then waking up the children
then thinking of what the husband would want to wear to work
ironing their clothes
perhaps her husband want to bring some food to office
then cleaning up the table
start to do the laundry
hang them up , and pick them up when it's already dry
think on what to cook for lunch
buying things for the preparation
tea time
bla bla bla
that is not included when the husband are depending
on her for children's education
for cleaning up the house
for this for that
you know
have you ever thought
when you lost you socks or even t shirt
who are you calling to get them back?
your mom right?
how do you ask her for it?
yelling and waiting for her to get things back?
or try to look first and then you ask her?
which one?
if your mom ask you to get it by yourself
have you ever say to her as
" what have you done at home? you are the one whose doing the cleaning and things "
have you ever say like that to her?
i dont wanna say anything
but hey you could think that by yourselves
only when she wants to lay down and rest
that is when you want to look everything in this world
mom , where is my this , bla bla bla
consideration is needed
you could find it by yourself at first right?
yeah at least
have you ever see your mom or wife laying down to rest
then you say
" hey , do some works , prepare the dinner or whatever ,
dont just laying down like that , i am tired coz i just came back from work "
you know that when you came back from work or school
or whenever you have been before
she has done everything in the house from morning till night
non stop
and when she wanna have a rest
yet you say she hasn't do anything?
lets say if a wife is working
she still need to do the same
when the husband are resting and waiting for the rest to be prepared
that is not the right way i guess
you know
everything will be easier if you do have some consideration
if we help each other to make some move with the house chores or whatever
that would be better right?
so what i am trying to say is that
try to appreciate what you mom / wife or whoever in this world
that has done everything for you
you know to let the house to be in harmonious way
everybody should get involve in it
not only by one party or some party
having family is the same as having a management in the office
when once you rely on one party to do the job
you will never beat the rest in terms of profit and quality management
lets have a thought about this
and makes some move to make things better
i would try the same here
take care everyone
be someone who could contribute something to your house hold ;)