Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I am happy ^_^

Actually am not really good posting an entry through a mobile but I am trying now (LOL whatever)

But hey I am happy.
I just got a call from a friend that I havent heard of him for ages. But yeah he is doing good in most of the thing. ( but i know he will always will ).

Anyhow , I hope both of us can do well in the future in whatever that we do.

And for you , I am always praying the best for you an do take care of yourself . Take care of your health. Study well and I pray so that Allah will always protect you wherever you are :-)

Sincerely ,
Syaf ^_^

Sunday, September 15, 2013

B.A.P - JAPAN 1st Single : WARRIOR MV


Hello guys
I know I am a bit late to get this update
but hey
B.A.P's WARRIOR MV in JAPAN is out !!!

( Okay I am excited for a moment )

B.A.P never let me down with any of their MVs
They are just perfect !!!

with all the messages that they try to convey
I am sure all of their songs and messages will reach 
our heart forever

Out of all
this MV is awesome !!!
please keep on supporting B.A.P


minggu yang panjang < dan memenatkan >

tajuk boleh dikategorikan sebagai cliche
tapi xpela kot
penat nak fikir , LOL

ok hari ni dapat la aku rehat sikit
serious seminggu ni penat sangat
SANGAT < aku xtipu >

aku rasa aku ada cerita yang aku duduk rumah sewa semester ni
xpela aku sambung XP

mula2 aku sampai rumah sewa tu 
reaksi aku mmg lain sgt dari yang aku imagine
that house mmg seriously kecil
( kami sewa bilik sbnrnya )
and for me ( a student ) mungkin tak la patut nak complain bnyk sgt kan
tapi bila di fikirkan yang kami tinggal bertiga dalam
bilik yang sepatutnya utk kapasiti seorang 
kami mmg rasa tak selesa

plus dgn environment yang mungkin tak berapa selesa
dgn kebarangkalian kami utk balik lewat malam sbnyk 80% ( eceh )
buat kami utk fikir berpindah adalah pilihan terbaik

sampai di rumah sewa pertama tu hari ahad
hari isnin tu terus ke pusat NR utk cari rumah sewa baru
alhamdulillah ada satu rumah yang mmg perlukan 3 siswi
and rumah kali ni kami dapat master bedroom okay
kira bathroom semua in a room la
lebih selesa

minggu ni sangatla penat
satu penat kat stesen bas ( sebab tunggu bas lah yang pastinya )
dengan pindah randah lagi
dengan tak cukup tidur lagi ( itu normal mungkin >< )
dgn macam2 la
satu hari mmg tak pernah nak ada waktu rehat sgt
sampai rumah mmg terus tidur 
( kdg2 dalam bas pun tertidur )

seminggu dah lepas
rumah pun dah pindah
mostly dah settle lah
tinggal few things jer
beli buku and other stuff

kelas pun dah start
ada certain dah habis satu chapter pun
mmg kena pulun la semester ni
( hope everything will be fine )

please take care okay
do well in your studies
and please keep yourself in a good health

aku pun dah tak bnyk online sgt
tapi tak tau la lepas ni macam mana
sebab semester ni dah mula start kelas tutor secara online
so yeah XP

skrg ni aku balik rumah kejap
settle semua benda2 online ni

moga Allah permudahkan segalanya  :D

okay la
take care
doakan agar semuanya berjalan lancar

aku happy sebab kakak roommate aku baik sangat
standing as the only daughter in a family
skrg aku rasa mcm aku ada kakak

Sunday, September 8, 2013

2nd level members BAP DAUM CAFE =D

people might say that I am over excited about this
but YES I AM !!!

basically it just a great feeling
when you don't undertand hangul
but yet trying to use a web fully written in that

best part is
when you register to a cafe that you hope that you can show your support
I mean 
I don't know how to say this but
I am happy 

I just checked my level
and rank

The one circled with red color is the rank and the one with green highlight is where my name supposed to be :)

I've posted about this before
here is the link

Level 2 are members that can access to the entire fancafe (this is the highest level for non-official BABY "

second level means
I can now start excess things from the cafe which I can't do when I was at the first level

hoping the best for B.A.P !!!

good luck ^_^

I am coming 'HOME' XD


esok aku akan mula berada di shah alam semula
ahh ... tak tau kenapa rasa berat sangat
dah cuti 3 bulan kan
malas lah tu

tapi aku harap aku melangkah ke sana dengan azam yang baru
I have to work harder 

sebenarnya aku ada cerita
beberapa hari yang lepas
laptop aku tak boleh nak on
serius aku risau sgt sebab dah nak naik sem
nak buat assignment semua mcm mn

tapi dlm masa yang sama aku lega sikit
sebab kebanyakan fail dalam laptop ni aku dah transfer ke tempat lain

semalam aku tanya kawan aku
macam mana nak betulkan
aku sambil tu pulak cari info dkt internet
so far membantu aku utk faham 
laptop tu tgh ada 'penyakit' apa
tapi dlm masa yg sama aku tak tau nak buat apa sangat

pagi tadi aku ckp dgn abg aku
kesian dia aku kacau dia buat kerja
tapi dia tgkkan and poof
laptop dah boleh on
aku siap tepuk tgn sebab actually aku try betulkan dari pagi ( LOL)
alhamdulillah file semua tak hilang

macam2 jadi nak naik semester ni

so aku dah hampir siap packing
esok inshaa Allah aku akan melangkah ke gelanggang mencari ilmu

Semoga Allah permudahkan jalan kita semua
doakan ya =)

here's a song for you
sesuai sangat nak masuk sem nih
* sila rujuk maksud lagu ni =P *

Thursday, September 5, 2013

B.A.P JAPAN 1st SINGLE ; Warrior teaser

B.A.P JAPAN 1st single「WARRIOR」(ショートver)

Hello people
this is the teaser for B.A.P's Warrior that will be released on October 9
They will released B.A.P's 1st Japanese Single "WARRIOR" (3 versions)

I am so excited that B.A.P is going to make their debut in Japan
I can't wait to watch the full version of this !!!

here's the link for for the album update

and please subscribed for this channel on You Tube
here's the link

The channel's name will be BAPofficialJP

for those who never listen to this song
this is the full Warrior MV song in Korean
taken from TS ENT official You Tube channel

here's the link for TS ENT Official You Tube channel

and for your information
Warrior is B.A.P's debut song in Korea
which enlighten the full strength of theirs
consist of 6 members
Warrior shows the bright side of this powerful group

here's the video for you

ganbatte kudasai B.A.P !!!!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

YEAY !!! I am an Official Babys !!!

actually I am so happy
and sad too

happy because I just done my registration in BAP Fan Club

this is supposed to be in Korean Language but google
has translated few parts of the page
so .. ehm ...errr , thanks google? =D

sad because
it is a bit complicated since I am not that good in reading hangul
( I am not good at all ~_~ )

and FYI , the whole page is in Korean language
as for me I need to translate most of the words 
( actually I need to translate all of them >< )
which is kinda hard for me
but I still further on

and in order to register this fan cafe
we need to follow few steps

but I am very happy that the BAP's International Fansite has provided
 full tutorial on how to join it

here's the link

the picture contain the url of the web. Babys should follow this website !!!

here is the link of the website 

basically there will be 5 ranks in the fan cafe

  • Level 1 are members that can't access to the entire fancafe
  • Level 2 are members that can access to the entire fancafe (this is the highest level for non-official BABY)
  • Level 3 are the official BABY (Those paid a membership fee for a year and get privileges) 
  • Level 4 are the B.A.P members
  • Level 5 is TS Entertainment staff
  • Level 6 is the fancafe master
* taken from the former link *

because I just registered to the fan cafe
so I am at the first level.
and now I am waiting for my application to get my level up to be in the second level.

it might sounds far away from the mastered members ( 3rd level )
but I am just excited to be in
I am just happy that I can at least show my support this way
( well , at least ^_^ )
even though it is not that much.

I hope other Babys will join together
and be part of the members 

B.A.P fighting !!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

PROUD - something that I've left over . Welcome to new semester people :)

* DBSK - Proud Live Performance (2nd Live Tour 2007 Five in the Black) *

dah lama rasanya tak jejak kaki di laman ni
few things happened dan aku rasa aku perlu berdiam diri

lagu di atas adalah lagu DBSK
( for those yg tak tahu , DBSK stands for Dong Bang Shin Ki )
lagu PROUD 
waktu mereka buat 
persembahan live 2007
promoting album FIVE IN THE BLACK
I love this performance !!!
ok ter over -_-

tapi sejujurnya banyak je lagu mereka yang aku suka
tapi utk persembahan live 
ada certain tu buat aku hilang dalam dunia aku

lagu ni salah satu daripadanya lah

~ always keep the faith ~


berbalik pada cerita aku
sekarang ni tinggal lagi beberapa hari sebelum aku mula semester baru
semester 3 
kalau ada sesetengah universiti
aku kira dah masuk tahun kedua semester pertama

kejap je rasa dah masuk semester 3
dulu masa aku mula2 masuk ijazah
terfikir macam mana aku nak survive degree ni
alhamdulillah Allah bagi kekuatan utk terus berada di sini
berjuang mencari ilmu

keputusan semester 2 aku jatuh 
jatuh sangat
cuma apabila aku diam fikir balik
mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya
alhamdulillah Allah bagi aku peluang utk buat yang lebih baik
xada subjek repeat

aku fikir
usaha utk kejar kejayaan tu tak boleh berhenti setakat di kertas peperiksaan sahaja
sebab even how hard I try
at the end
aku masih kena hidup dalam alam realiti
utk praktikkan apa yang dah aku belajar

jatuh di semester 2 buat aku sedar benda tuh
aku rasa macam aku dah usaha sehabis baik
tapi mungkin tak cukup
walau aku suka macam mana pun subjek yang aku belajar
mesti ada something yang aku tak buat
yang buat aku leka

I've been thinking about it 
tapi resolution tu biar aku simpan dalam hati je la

subjek semester depan ada SEMBILAN !!!
lebih banyak berbanding subjek dan jam kredit semester lepas
semester 1 ( 18 jam kredit )
semester 2 ( 19 jam kredit )

sebenarnya ramai jugak kawan aku yang repeat subjek semester lepas
bukan nak burukkan orang
cuma aku berdoa diorang boleh survive semester depan
sincerely kedudukan tu bukan nak bawa kot
sebab semester 3 mesti lebih tough
( kita usaha sama2 okay )

dalam minggu ni kitorang dah start daftar subjek
secara online lah yang pastinya
yang kelakarnya  fakulti kitorang dah tentukan classmate
dari pandangan aku
aku tak berapa suka la sebenarnya
sebab partner assignment aku dah kat kelas lain
bukan salah nak kenal orang baru
cuma risiko la if dapat those yg tak buat kerja
sebab aku dah lelah nak jumpa orang macam ni
markah nak tapi kerja tak nak buat
harap tak dpt orang mcm ni la dlm kumpulan aku

* I sound like a bad girl ever *

tapi aku pulak jenis yang malas nak argue ke apa
so aku daftar lah kelas yg diorang dah bagi

lupa nak cakap
semester depan
semester depan adalah semester last utk subjek kokorikulum ( sem 1 - 3 )
dan aku mula belajar subjek third language ( semester 3 - 5 )
elektif pun start semester depan
aku pilih utk ambil subjek Quality Management

utk kokorikulum aku take part in English Debating
kinda fun la join this club
dan utk third language aku decide utk ambil bahasa Jepun
( hope I can do my best in this language ) takut sebenarnya

ni subjek semester depan - ihsan laman web uitm AM225 -


semester depan aku duduk luar
tak dapat kolej

yang stick dengan aku ada 2 orang
kira kami mmg dah janji nak duduk sama
( pangkat kakak eh diorang )

banyak kisah jugak pasal rumah sewa ni
mula2 aku dapat satu rumah
kira kena cari orang la
aku jadi orang yg deal dengan tuan rumah
lama jugak la aku cari orang

so aku decide nak ambil 8 orang satu rumah
siap post kat FB semua la
disebabkan kitarang dah lama sangat tunggu
( sebab nak jumpa tuan rumah etc )
then to one point aku decide utk cancel deal
( aku bincang jugak dgn yang lagi 2 orang tuh)

yang kelakarnya
once aku dah cancel
ramai pulak tanya nak rumah
aku hanya mampu minta maaf je la sebab dah cancel deal kan

before kami 3 orang nak cancel rumah
kami dah cari replacement dulu
sebab rasa macam payah nak cari housemate
maka dapatla sewa satu bilik
( aku tak tengok lagi bilik tuh) 
yakin gile nanti terus masuk je 

utk yang kali ni 
kakak yang lagi sorang tu tolong carikan
syukurlah dapat juga bilik
kami 3 orang satu bilik

sorry la 
panjang sangat aku merepek

aku nak buat confession 
nak minta maaf kalau ada sesiapa yang terasa
lately ni ( baru2 ni sahaja okay )
 aku rasa malas nak on sangat any of my networking site
ada jugak bukak sebenarnya

maksud aku , minta maaf la kalau 
aku tak layan whatsapp korang
or kalau aku tak balas inbox korang
 ( if email or fb biasa aku balas )
err email tak sgt sbnrnya :P
or wechat
or line ( err )
or tweet
* bajet banyak sangat sites yang aku ada *

aku bukak
dan still check in most of the time
cuma kadang aku tak react apa2
unless benda tu penting
or sort of important to me ~_~

lately ni aku banyak dengan you tube
dan account asianfanfic 
insta juga ( kdg2 )

but I guess I wont be active much after this
since semester is coming in
* kononnya lah *
( though aku tau sapa je la yang tegur pun kan )
hek hek

don't be mad at me
sometimes I am just weird like this
so .. yeah
bear it !!!


ok guys
see ya next time
whenever I am free
nanti2 aku update la eh 
* ayat bajet retis *

good luck jugak pada junior yang nak masuk semester 1 ni
but I don't think I'll be a good senior 
 unless kau yang baik dgn aku 

see ya
love you

* lol , sorry but I just love this gif *