Wednesday, April 20, 2011

everything can't be reveal

assalamualaikum w.b.t

well..there's a lot of things that happened through out this 4 months
when i was on "holiday"
~after SPM~

and all those things make me think back what  is life actually
and i never thought that 
that will happen when i was schooling
and i never thought that 
it will go this far
what is should be a secret of mine
~look at the tittle~
i have a lot of friends
and they thought me lots
and whenever they wanna share something with me 
i'll try to be open and be a good listener
and this make me know the reality of life and be honest to my friend
this is how i try to develop myself
i'm not that good 
and i'm not perfect
but i'm happy when they believe to share their stories with me

when i try to be better
there will be something that appear
it's kinda norm actually
and we have to be strong
to face it

and i know everybody have their own problems
and not everything can be reveal
so do I
i have a lot of thing to do and I've to improve myself to be better
cry and sitting without doing nothing 
that's not right
that's what i learn from somebody
thanks to her/him

nobody know what i keep inside 
and sometimes i just wanna scream to make it seems that nothing has happened
and thats hurt sometimes
or always
but at least i'm not burdening others
< i guess >
and i know
ALLAH will always by our side
whatever that we have done
whatever that we have said
HE still loves us

DIA telah memberi peluang untukku 
mengerti apa yang selalu tersirat di sebalik sesuatu
DIA juga masih memberiku nikmat walaupun aku ini selalu leka dan lalai
begitu juga dengan yang lain
nikmatNYA terlalu banyak

DIA juga memberi peluang untukku terus bernafas di bumi yang serba tandus ini untuk terus memperbaiki diri

jadikanlah aku hamba yang bersyukur
dan masukkanlah semua umat Islam di dalam golongan yang sentiasa mendapat rahmatMU


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