Tuesday, May 31, 2011

MDS ( Minggu Destini Siswa )

and good day to everybody

I just finish my MDS week
it was awesome
seriously i'm gonna say
even though everybody were tired with the activities
but surely I have fun with it

because there were lot of informations about UiTM that i know via this week

hopefully everything will be ok along the semester
and we have to strive for our place in degree
3 pointer and above 
ad MUET for at least band 4

wish me luck guys
and to all my new friends too
and everybody for sure

ok then

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey new world .. good bye friends and etc

assalamualaikum w.b.t
and hye..

there will be 2 more days at home
and i'll start my life at my new campus
for the first time after school environment and etc
there are a lot of my friends who has start their journey
and everybody will have their own course
different environment 
different place
different friends

well to be honest 
i miss the day when i was a student
i miss the moment with my friends
and i know it's hard for me to glance back to my past
to get back the same memories
sometimes i wanna laugh
sometimes i wanna cry
and most of times 
i'll smile

and everything
thought me be thougher
and i believe
everybody feel the same
it just
I've to be somebody different
to do something better than what I've did during my school time
not perhaps but I must
everybody must do the same
isn't it?

it's kinda easy to talk and write here
but i know that we have to build our strength for this
remember that we have to believe 
ALLAH will help those who ask for HIS bless and help

pray that we will always in the right path
pray that we will stick together as sahabat always and forever
pray that we will always under HIS bless wherever we are
whatever we do 
pray that ALLAH will keep us with our faith 
forever and ever
for everybody
 i wanna ask for your forgiveness for everything that I've did before
I never run to do mistakes
to make stupid jokes ...< err... >
to be irrational or somebody that is annoyable  to you
I'm sorry for that

for all my friends 
thanks a lot for being my friends
for always supporting , helping and advising me to be better
I appreciate that
and for all my teachers
pray for our success
thanks for all your efforts to teach us about everything
for never giving up to build us to be a better person

and for my family
thanks a lot
pray for my success k



< a lyric from a song : GOODBYE by jang geun suk >
Please don't forget that we loved each other
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Gathering my sorrowful tears, goodbye

perhaps , this related to the post..is it?

Monday, May 16, 2011

How to FOCUS in class ?

assalamualaikum w.b.t
and good day for everybody...

now i wanna post something that people might have known about it
but nevermind
let us proceed


Get a good night's sleep.
Students should get at least nine hours of sleep each night. However, it's hard to maintain those good sleep habits. Set a bedtime routine, and go to bed at the same hour each night. Your mind will not be able to concentrate if it's not rested...it needs a break!
it's better to look this cute baby sleeping...so cute~

Eat a healthy breakfast
Although this may seem irrelevant to focusing during class, eating a nutritious meal in the morning gives you fresh energy for the day. Remember: a healthy breakfast does not just mean a big breakfast. Two simple slices of toast, fresh orange juice (with pulp, if possible) and a nice serving of hard boiled egg is an example of a good breakfast. If you consume a meal such as this, you'll feel more energized and less groggy throughout the day- paying attention will be efficiently easier.

Avoid sitting with friends.
Although the urge to sit with your buddies may be awfully appealing, try your best to avoid the temptation. Chatting with friends is not going to give you the focus you need to stay on top of the class. This cannot only get you trouble, but lower your concentration rate for the class altogether. If you feel the urge to speak with a fellow classmate, yet are seated in an assigned location, talk to your teacher about getting your seat moved (some will just say that you should control yourself). However, let the friend know (outside of class!) that this is not meant to insult them- you just need to focus.

Rid yourself of any other distractions
Some of us get distracted very easily- and that's perfectly OK. The problem evolves when distractions keep us from learning. Is that water bottle catching all your attention? Immediately remove it from your desk. How about that gum you're chewing? Throw it out and start taking notes. Eliminate these distractions (even if you don't want to) and you'll soon find your attention immediately going to the teacher each class.

Look at the teacher, and make eye contact.
Your teacher is not just standing up there babbling- they're obviously trying to give you an acceptable education. Show them that they have your full attention, by looking them in the eye, and observing their movements. Try your best to look alert. If you feel your eyes averting to something else in the room, catch yourself and focus back on your teacher. This person should have your full attention at all times during class. Your eyes should not be drifting elsewhere.

Know your objective
Most teachers tell you the subject of the class, in the beginning. If possible, write down this objective the minute you hear it. What is it that needs to be done today? What will you be learning about? How can you remain alert and focused during this time? Set goals for yourself, and remind yourself of the objective throughout class. This way, you know exactly what you have to do.

Take notes
By taking accurate notes, you'll be able to "get into" the lesson. Recognize key points as your teacher speaks, and listen for key phrases such as, "This is important," "This is the main idea," "This will be on the test," etc. This can help you listen more intently; you'll have something to do and focus on.

Get involved in class discussions
This is a wonderful way to become a more focused, successful student. When a teacher asks a question, offer to answer it. If she/he asks for an opinion, share your own. This shows that the teacher that you're listening intently during the class and that you know your stuff. This can also help you avoid those embarrassing moments, when you get called on and you happen to not be paying attention. Also, teachers will note to college officers that you are actively contributing in class.

Ask a question. 
If you don't understand something, NEVER be afraid to ask. This really shows your teacher that you want to be better, and can recognize the things you're having difficulty with. Chances are, someone else in the class has the same question (and was too afraid to ask!). They'll be relieved- and so will you.

Do your best
When you walk into that classroom, put a smile on your face and some confidence in your pocket. Be the best that you can be at all times, and show your true potential!

Visualize Your Future
Before you go to bed at night be sure to use your childhood gift of imagination and think about where you see yourself in the future, and about how likely you will be able to achieve that dream without having sufficient focusing skills, if your dream isn't academic based like sports and music etc. You still need good focus skills to be a footballer so don’t put it off your list!

and here are some tips for you...


  • Get a camera to to take pictures of the board or any presentations. That way, you can review them later.
  • Get a notebook to record all your notes. That way, you can keep them organized and readable for the next class.
  • Be prepared for tests, projects, and class in general! This will help you feel more confident whilst taking the test, doing the project, etc. also, piece projects out over the next few days. Don’t procrastinate.
  • If you feel like falling asleep, ask to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom and splash your face with cold water a couple of times. This will keep you awake for the next fifteen minutes. However, don't ask to get up twenty million times a day- or your teacher will assume that you're ditching his/her class!
  • When you leave class, review what you've learned. See if you can recall the major points of that day's lesson, and if you understand all of the concepts. This will give you an idea of whether or not you did your job that day.
  • Remember that homework is important, too. When you come home from school, take an hour to eat and to rest. Then you should start on your homework right after and study for the classes you have problems in. Of course, you could also start your homework immediately and take a break later.
  • If none of these are working, you could possibly have ADD. Contact your local physician and see if they can help you


  • If the teacher makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents, the dean or principal. Understand that some teachers you will not "get along with" but they should not make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Avoid your more talkative friends. They can often distract you from your work.
  • Don't stare at the teacher for too long; this might not let you work properly. In short, look at the teacher, but don't overdo it.

alright everybody
sometimes it's hard to do something that people tend to call as a norm
but then
let us review to all the times that has been faced before
i'm sure mostly will agree when i say
it's hard to concentrate in class 
yes some people might take this easy

< advising myself too >

have a good day guys
~ me ~


today is 16th of MAY
when we celebrated teacher's day in our country

from this humble person
and deep from my heart 
i just wanna say

to all my teachers
who has thought me since i was young

when i'm staying at hostel
teachers are one of the right person to be refered to
they act like our parents
which would take lots of their time
and it's hard to pay them back
but as what i've always heard
success from a student will be the greatest gift for them

cup cakes for my teachers

and knowing that i will be in higher education 
other than my family
teachers are the one who always keep on supporting their students

hope they will always be in the pink of health
and will always happy with their life



and i guess this two cakes will be ok ~hee

till here
wish me all the best in the future

thumbs up everybody

thanks and good luck

~ me ~

p/s : for mother's day..i wish it by myself ..so , no worry < hee >

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to take lecture notes ? ... part three

assalamualaikum w.b.t
and hye to everybody

i wanna continue to the next part of this tittle
so ... enjoy!

After the Lecture

1.   Revise your notes as quickly as possible, preferably immediately after the lecture, since at that time you will still remember a good deal of the lecture.
Also it is a good idea to reread your notes within 24 hours of the lecture. It may be a good idea to rewrite or type your notes to make them clearer and more organized.

2.   Revise it with a class mate or two
Two students see and hear more than one. Your notes will have different gaps than that of your class mates.

3.   Review the lecture notes (again) before the next lecture.


  • Collect notes for each course in one place, in a separate notebook or section of a notebook.
  • Use an 'erasable pen or pencil '.
  • Use a loose-leaf notebook rather than a notebook with a permanent binding.
  • Enter your notes legibly because it saves time. Make them clear.
  • Draw a box around assignments and suggested books so you can identify them quickly.
  • Mark ideas which the lecture emphasizes with a highlighter, arrow or some special symbol.
  • When the teacher looks at his/her notes, pay attention to what they say next. Check any notes you may have missed with a classmate.
  • Do an outline. For every new section of your subject, you have a new bullet then title it and use smaller bullets,(-),or number them to put information down.
  • One helpful strategy is, if your teacher writes on his or her black or whiteboard, use a bullet for anything he writes, and a dash for anything he says, and use a plus for any combination. This can help distinguish exact facts with inferences.
  • Incorporate different colors of ink, diagrams, drawings of your own. Make your notes your notes. Take advantage of how you learn (visually, orally, or actively) and write/draw your notes according to that style.
  • Watch for signal words. Your instructor is not going to send up a rocket when He/she states an important new idea or gives an example, but she will use signals to telegraph what she is doing. Every good speaker does it, and you should expect to receive these signals. For example, she may introduce an example with "for example" as done here. Other common signals:

    • "There are three reasons why...." (Here they come!)
    • "First...Second... Third...." (There they are!)
    • "And most important,...." (A main idea!)
    • "A major development...." (A main idea again!)
    He/She may signal support material with:
    • "On the other hand...."
    • "Pay close attention to this"
    • "On the contrary...."
    • "For example...."
    • "Similarly...."
    • "In contrast...."
    • "Also...."
    • "For example...."
    • "For instance...."
    He may signal conclusion or summary with:
    • "Therefore...."
    • "In conclusion...."
    • "As a result...."
    • "Finally...."
    • "In summary...."
    • "From this we see...."
    He/She may signal very loudly with:
    • "Now this is important...."
    • "Remember that...."
    • "The important idea is that...."
    • "The basic concept here is...."
  • If you can, bring a tape recorder. Still take notes but listen to the lecture later where you can stop and play while taking notes on the Lecture. A better way is to record the lecture in a small camera. However, do not let this become a crutch. The important thing is to process the information in your head, not: to record it on your recorder. Note taking -even when only 70% is taken down- is more beneficial than 100% recording, because you you make yourself process the information while jotting it down.
  • Consider investing in a small laptop, if you type faster than you write.
  • Afterward, go back with your red pen and highliter and point out the importants.
  • Do not perform manual activities which will detract from taking notes. Do not doodle or play with your pen. These activities break eye contact and concentration; they are also distracting to others. Therefore, if you learn best while doodling or tapping your foot, sit near people who do the same or who don't keep glaring in your direction.
  • If you are gathering together your personal belongings when you should be listening, you're bound to miss an important point--perhaps an announcement about the next exam--or, at the least, insult the teacher.
  • Some professors may not want you to record their lectures, in case they end up shared or posted online without the professor getting credit or financial compensation for their expertise. It could even be illegal to make a recording without their permission! Ask permission before using recording devices, and delete your recordings as soon as the final exam is over.
  • Remember that you are there to analyze and process, not: to record. Pieces of electronics can record better than you, but they do not get an academic degree or diploma. Make sure you keep processing and analyzing despite having a recorder at hand.
  • It should be noted that the statement on doodling is not entirely accurate. Doodling has been known to improve memory, so doodling during parts of lectures which do not require note making may actually be beneficial as opposed to distracting. So take this persons' advice with caution.
thanks for reading
aja aja hwaiting !!!
i like this picture ... hope everybody can get this mark ...amin

Monday, May 9, 2011

How to take lecture notes ? ... part two

assalamualaikum w.b.t
and hye~

wanna proceed with the second part

During the Lecture


1.   Listen carefully to the introduction (if there is one)

By knowing this outline, you will be better prepared to anticipate what notes you will need to take. Decipher this outline by listening for:

i -   A topic for each section.
ii -   Supporting points or examples for the topic.

2.   Copy what's written on the whiteboard, or overhead projector, especially the outline.
To make sure that you get everything, get in the habit of skipping words like "the" and "a" and make use of shorthand and abbreviations. Summarize your notes in your own words, not the instructor's. Remember: your goal is to understand what the professor is saying, not to try to record exactly everything he or she says.

3.   Recognize main ideas by signal words that indicate something important is to follow. 

4.   Jot down details or examples that support the main ideas.   
Take down examples and sketches which the lecturer presents. Indicate examples with "e.g." Give special attention to details not covered in the textbook.

5.   Come up with symbols for words used often that you can remember easily.

6.   Take detailed notes if possible.
7.   Draw diagrams for concepts you can't remember easily or don't understand.
8.   If there is a summary at the end of the lecture, pay close attention to it
You can use it to check the organization of your notes. If your notes seem disorganized, copy down the main points that are covered in the summary. It will help in revising your notes later.

9.   At the end of the lecture, ask questions about points that you did not understand.

10.   If (s)he begins to get off topic by telling a story...
write it down anyway. Stories help people remember. The story might be related to what you are learning, and may even be on the test.

11.   If it becomes apparent that he or she is trying to stress or emphasize something, be sure to get it down..
maybe even a couple times.

12.   Obviously, the teacher/professor will not write down everything he/she says.
Listen for key points and important details that are not written down.

13.    When students ask questions, write down the questions and the teacher/professor's answers
This additional information might answer questions you have as well.


wait for the next part
~ after lecture ~
and few
~ tips regarding to taking notes during lecture ~

thanks for reading
aja aja hwaiting !!!

How to take lecture notes ? ... part one

assalamualaikum w.b.t.
and hye~

actually am preparing myself for the 
university life
sound funny right?
but never mind

i always eager to know how to take notes during the lecture
will the lecturer talk fast than it suppose to be?
and other questions
~ never been to university before~

so here are some references
that i just read
hope this will help

Before the Lecture Begins

1.   Prepare for the lecture so that you will be more likely to predict the organization of the lecture
Check the course outline to see if the lecturer has listed the topic or key ideas in the upcoming lecture. If so, convert this information into questions, or structure your notebook according to the headings provided in the outline. If no outline is given, try to structure the presentation yourself when you revisit the notes later.

2.   If an outline or handout is given out at the beginning of class, skim it quickly. 
Underline or highlight topics, new vocabulary, key questions and/or main ideas.

3.   Ideally, you will come to class having read the assigned material
Attending the lecture with the information fresh in your mind will undoubtedly help you follow the presentation with greater ease and less confusion.

4.   Sit as near to the front of the room as possible to eliminate distractions. 
You may even want to come five or ten minutes early to get a good seat and have time to set up your pen and notebook or laptop.

5.   Have a proper attitude. Listening well 
is a matter of paying close attention. 
Be prepared to be open-minded about what the lecturer may be saying, even though you may disagree with it.

6.   Have extra pencils sharpened and ready, or extra lead for mechanical pencils in case a pencil breaks during the lecture
Bring a pen as well, and a (big) eraser.

7.   Write down the title of the lecture, and the date. 
Keeping your notes organized will pay off when it comes time to study.

8.   If you miss a lecture, make sure to write it down in your notes as well, so that you will not forget
This way you ensure that you will get the notes from a friend or colleague instead of missing out on the material entirely. 

wait for the next post
~ during the lecture ~

keep on reading

YOU know YOURSELF better...

assalamualaikum w.b.t

upu's result has been annouced
and i know
lots of my friend will have different journey after this

and so on

the question is
or vice versa
and bla bla bla bla

everybody have their own stories
everybody have their own choices
everybody have their own talents


at the first moment i saw the offer
am quite shock
maybe i'm too hoping for a course

but then when i think bout it
i remember what my friend have told me


and i remember that

you yourself
you can choose
either you wanna accept it or not


but you have to remember that
everytime you feel doubt bout something
make sure

remember that

do ask others about your course
if you're not sure bout it
grab all the informations

ask parents
ask seniorS
ask friends
they're there for you

and if you believe that you can do something
then you can do it

p/s : have to study hard for this though year...
there's no time to play around~

study hard

ok then

 to all my friends
best of luck
just be yourself
wherever you go

and to all


Friday, May 6, 2011

"True Colors" - Sam Tsui ... (compiled with lyrics)

hye guys!!!

now i'm posting a song that motivate me

this song remind me to be yourself
without forgetting others around you
and confident to yourself

p/s : i dedicate this song to my seniors , teammates , my friends , and everybody....

sang by SAM TSUI
here i present


You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And darkness still inside you
Make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors,
True colors, are beautiful,
Like a rainbow.

(Ah ah ah...)

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy,
Can't remember when I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors,
True colors, are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Ah ah ah ah...

Spoken: Can't remember when I last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy
You've taken all you can bear
You call me up (Call me up! )
Because you know I'll be there (Know I'll be there)

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through (I see them shining through! )
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you (That's why I love you! )
So don't be afraid (Afraid) to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
I see your true colors shining through (Yeah! )
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid (Afraid) to let them show
Your true colors
True colors, true colors
True colors, are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Become A Good Debater ?

hey guys!

back to debate 
ahh...i miss this so much

to be a debater you should know what is debate

About Debate: What is Debate?
"You may be right and I may be wrong but with an effort, together we may get nearer the truth.”  - Karl Popper
Debate is a formal contest of argumentation between two teams or individuals. But more broadly, and more importantly, debate is an essential tool for developing and maintaining democracy and open societies. More than a mere verbal or performance skill, debate embodies the ideals of reasoned argument, tolerance for divergent points of view, and rigorous self-examination. Debate is, above all, a way for those who hold opposing views to discuss controversial issues without descending to insult, emotional appeals, or personal bias. A key trademark of debate is that it rarely ends in agreement, but rather, allows for a robust analysis of the question at hand. Perhaps this is what French philosopher Joseph Joubert meant when he said: “It is better to debate a question without settling it, than to settle a question without debating it.”

back to the topic


A good debater learns and knows what he/she is talking about. Make sure you spend time in research and review. You cannot afford to be sloppy in a debate. Your strongest points should be argued with clarity and conviction.

Research on the likely points your opponent might use. Get strong counter-arguments to those points. Great debaters outlearn their opponents so they can use what their opponents have to defeat them.

People love stories and they adore great storytellers. Get a great story for your point of view and deliver it well. Make your audience a part of your presentation. Appeal to their sense of decency, value and humanity.

When you encounter a brilliant opponent, you might be thrown a curveball. Your reaction to your opponent's points can make or break your likelihood of winning. Use brief and humorous phrases to tone down or erase the impact of your opponent's strategy.

Let your audience and judges feel your passion for the subject. A debater has to be an orator as well. Your ability to capture the attention of the audience will pay in the end.

Incorrect statistics and wrong dates can provide an opening to your opponent. Get everything in order and cross-checked. Come to the debate with the certainty that you are arguing with the right facts.

A debate is a conversation with a lot of structure. Incomplete sentences will be translated into incomplete ideas. This can weaken a strong argument. Pronunciation, pitch and enunciation is critical to this step.

source : http://www.ehow.com/how_4697152_become-good-debater.html

wish you all the best
i'm still learning in debating
so let's work together


thanks for reading