Monday, December 31, 2012

RECAP 2012

salam kesemuanya
berpaksikan tarikh 31 Disember 2012
aku akan semakin berganjak ke dunia puluhan
dari zaman belasan
gitew :P

dalam tahun 2012
bnyk yg aku dah lalui
terlalu bnyk kalau nak di senaraikan
tapi apa pun
aku bersyukur kerana
semakin lama
semakin ramai kenalan yang aku kenal

1 - aku menghabiskan zaman asasi Undang Undang di UiTM Kuantan pada penghujung bulan 3

( classmate semester 1 asasi )

debat & debate uitm kuantan
masa nie , one of the team won the 1st place for east coast debating championship :)

( kelas masa semester 2 asasi )

JPK UiTM Kuantan

2 - mula mengenali erti mancari duit sendiri ( berkerja lah senang cerita )
aku kerja di MPH 
di situ aku kenal Kak Mona , Kak Liza , Abe , Kak Rufa , 
Kak Mira , Kak Fathin , Kak Nadia , Nabeel , Fahmi , Nazirul , etc
love them so much

*sekarang semua ( yg di dalam gambar) dah xkerja kat situ dah ,
 tinggal kak liza dgn abe jer meneruskan legasi :)

3 - mula menginjakkan kaki ke alam Ijazah
dalam jurusan Pentadbiran Korporat di UiTM Shah Alam
sehingga kini , aku baru berada di semester 1:)

4 - buat reunion dekat Kuantan masa bulan 7 dgn ex JPK

ok gambar nie sedikit hyper , haha
credit to : fiqree syamim for uploading :3

5 - celebrate my birthday, 
with my friend
paling awkward adalah sebab dia bawak adik dia 
yg sebaya ngan aku sekali
dah laa adik dia tuh lelaki 

hadiah yang dia bagi
malangnya aku terhilangkan masa kat kuantan :(
sedih weyh , cari balik pun x jumpa
but , thanks for this present :)

6 - belajar naik KTM 
( ok , cam loser kat situ ) haha 

7 - Stay rumah kak rufa ( best experience )
sebab aku x pernah tido rumah kawan lagi 
ehm *angkat kening :P

8 - Phone aku hilang masa asasi dulu , 
dah laa abang aku yg bagi 
sedih kot

9 - pusing2 satu kuantan ( walaupun x keseluruhan ) dengan berjalan kaki
best sebab jalan ramai2
kau xkan dapat pengalaman nie kat mana2 :3

10 - pergi konvokesyen kak rufa & kak mira 
( sbnrnya aku xpernah pergi tgk orang amik konvo , so macam excited terlebih :P )

11-  tolong kak rufa dengan business dia :)

ok nak promote sikit , hehe
for those yg interested dengan clothing , or anything posted ( especially girls )
you can have a look at this page on 

semua cara nak bayar apa semua ada kat situ 
try to have a look 
I appreciate it :)

12 - this point is a credit to my best friend ( Haziq Aiman )
I would say that there's a lot that we have gone through along the year 
thanks for always supporting me :)


aku xtau nak fikir apa lagi
sebab bagi aku mostly best
kenangan tu susah nak di gambarkan dengan kata2
tapi aku happy dapat kenal each of person yg datang dalam hidup aku

May Allah bless us always :)

tahun depan - 2013
aku dah 20 tahun
kau tahu?
kerisauan tetap akan ada sampai ( aku xtau bila )
tentang erti tanggungjawab dan masa hadapan
menilai masa hadapan merupakan satu perhitungan yg berat
jadi , memang kena selalu bersedia
pengalaman mematangkan manusia
dan aku harap moga mental dan fizikal aku lebih bersedia 
dari masa ke semasa

semoga hari kita akan lebih bahagia 
di bawah rahmatNya

happy new year all
love you

wassalam :D

p/s : peristiwa tu x ikut urutan , so , yeah :P

Saturday, December 29, 2012

that little difficult things

12.39 am
29 / 12 / 12
few more days before 2013
new years
tapi aku x rasa apa pun
sebab exam final nie lagi terbayang bayang di ingatan

and today
i studied at the library
from 11 am to 8pm
well xla exactly semua tu utk belajar
ada jugak laa keluar makan , solat apa semua
but yeah
am soooooo tired
doing the questions and stuff
studying during study week when everyone is not around 
is not helping
but it does help me

and now why am I here?
I cant sleep
am so in tense
and everything came out from my mind
even i know its not worth to think about

that beautiful past time 
which full of colors
also painted with all the dots that makes it blur


you know buddies
when you have a lot of problems
but you cant tell others about that?
coz you know they wont understand?

do you know when 
at the same time
you also hide it to protect others
the person that you love?

am not that strong
the person who understand it
is far far away from me
am not saying that
 that person is the only who understand me
at certain level
some people cant interpret what we meant of what we say
coz the certain stories are meant to be kept
strongly within

you know when people are aiming so high for their pointer
people are working out enough for that
am aiming
but stuck at the middle
am afraid
that i couldnt make it
to get dean list
but i know i can do it
nampak x permainannya di situ?

you know when you have that someone that 
you want to hold on to
suddenly disappear right in front of your eyes
not dead
but lost
in the light
and that hurt me the most
being the closest person
but that's the real person
who is far away running from me

this feeling is awesome
when you can cry out a lot
when you are so tired

this is awesome
like damn serious
thumbs up for this

sometimes i say to myself
that other people are having sth yg lagi teruk dari aku
nie baru sikit
jadilaa orang yg bersyukur sikit kan

its not easy to act strong in front of others
when inside
you are the weakest
cry out loud when others are not around
semua pun camtuh kan?
rasa x perasaan tuh?
*saja kunun nak kongsi perasaan

thanks if you read this entry
i know i need to be strong
and this might be a way to lose the tie
and lay down freely

*i've tried to sleep for an hour
perhaps i wanna sleep now

doakan i berjaya
i senantiasa doakan kalian semua
insha Allah
doa semoga kita jadi tabah
dan mendapat keredhaan Allah

May Allah bless us always 
and ease our journey

p/s : 
nobody's perfect 
sometimes when you see that someone look so strong outside
he/she has that someone who take care of their hearts

when you say you have every single person around you
only Allah and you yourself knows
which one is the fake facts and which one is real

take care buddies

1.08 am
29 / 12 / 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

heading back there ...

hey there
all of you

i was wondering whether am going to 
use the whole week that I have to study
you know
when most of the people in the town dah balik rumah
kau sibuk2 nak duduk kampus
kunun nak belajar
tapi duduk rumah
aku mmg hadap benda alah nie jer laa
*macam kat kampus x 

so yeah
few days kat rumah
i keep on eating
twitter , facebook
* even i know that they are boring ( for twitter & FB )
but still
am used to them

am kinda a lazy person 
to keep on focusing on the same thing for a long time
like seriously
cam tah pape
dalam hati risau x tau nak jawab apa time exam
tapi nak prepare tu macam idok le cam risaunyer pun

thats why i decide to at least have the environment of studying
well i could say that it is a better choice
kalau tgk kat TL kat twitter
ramai lepak PTAR
they are STUDYING !!!
*hope so

PTAR is the short name for our library 
here in Shah Alam

i have to be proactive if I wanna score
i really really really wanna score
you dont know how 'serious' i am
well u do know 
if you know me

inshaa Allah am going back today
my parents x kisah pun
sebab they say
it depends on me

ada pros and cons laa
kalau duduk kat rumah
senang nak makan apa sume
kalau kat kampus kena cari 
*ingat makan jer 

pray for me so that
what ever that i have studied
akan melekat kat kepala nie sampai mati
and di amalkan

and doakan kawan saya juga ea
semoga perjalanan kami di semester 1
utk ijazah ini
berbalas dengan kejayaan 
dan merangkul anugerah dekan

thats my hope and prayer for each one of us :)

so sorry for every single thing that i have done
thanks for all the care and love 
wish you all the best peeps


take care yaww :D

Sunday, December 23, 2012


hari nie dah hai kedua aku start study week
so aku xtau sama ada aku nie 
tgh nak qada tidur yg x pernah nak cukup tu ke
or still struggling study

the thing is
letak kepala jer tido
thats why kena selalu duduk
tido jer pun penat jugak
x tido pun penat jugak
tah pape tah

so that
jom study


Friday, December 21, 2012

study week

hari ini
21 / 12 / 12
habis sudah kelas , assignment , submission , presentation
bagi semester ini
bermula esok
study week bermula
lagi satu minggu final akan bermula
ouh gembiranya

so aku balik rumah kejap
study 2 subject terawal
inshaa Allah
dalam few days camtuh 
aku akan kembali ke kampus
sambung belajar disana
itulaa perancangan nya

tapi aku rasa
macam patut bawa jer semua buku balik
study semua kat rumah
tapi ntah
x terbawa pulak
padahal padahal
rumah aku dgn uitm mmg " jauh "
makanya nanti kena struggle kat sana laa
kat rumah ehm ehm 
aku tau aku xselalu dengan buku
uhuk uhuk

tapi apa pun
doakan kejayaan kami kami di sini
agar mudah menerima ilmuNYA
mudah utk memahami , mengingati dsb

aku harap kita semua berjaya
dan sentiasa di bawah perlindunganNYA

take care peeps :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

last week b4 study week

hello there
minggu nie adalah minggu last ada kelas apa2 semua
b4 start study week minggu depan
aku xtau laa
rasa macam kejap jer dah study week
dah habis almost all syllabus
ngan dah nak final
cam , x sangka

minggu nie memang gila2 busy laa aku cakap
sebab time nie laa 
all the things need to be submitted 
and settle

kau bayangkan
semua jenis test2 bagai
presentation dan segalanyalaa
disumbat ke dalam minggu nie
so , memang kena prepare laa
mem busy kan diri

utk aku
aku tinggal test math , test csc
and kena submit project csc
(computer project)

yg lain macam discuss past year 
tu mmg semua subjek buat lah kan

hari ni aku ada test csc
semua chapter kot
i was hungry 
so aku makan laa dulu
and online
tu yang stuck kat sini kejap

kejap lagi sambung baca balik

ouh yeah
study week nie of course laa
for a weeks and few days extended 
pastu final start 3rd of jan
and habis on 21st jan

I have 6 papers to go
ACC 114
ADS 410
CTU 551
CSC 413
MAT 112
LAW 245

kalau subjek KESATRIA
HBU 111
test dan ujian semua dijalankan masa latihan kawad

tu jer kot nak cakap

doakan kejayaan di sini
aku juga doakan kejayaan di sana

take care earthlings :)

Monday, December 10, 2012


after feel so excited to be an excellent person
suddenly this feeling come along the way
and i don't like it

there will always be a time when I feel that am so loser
when I feel that am not good at everything
*yeah , I know that human is not perfect
it will naturally come 
and i don't know how to express it

you know the feeling when you have to bear everything alone?
i mean
the moment when everyone in this world see that you have
a lot of friends
but you end up feeling that you have nobody
that's crap
i hate this feeling

when I come to realize things clearly
I do know that I have everyone around me
sorry for feeling that way
it just
am tired handling this 
and I was thinking that by writing this down might make it ease
yeah , instead of praying and stuff

you know
I always have someone who is so enthusiastic about something
ouh no , everything for exact
and that sounds to suit me well
because i do talk a lot
like seriously a lot
* I thought I am :P

wouldn't you feel that you are so alone 
without people that you're so into?
didn't mean things for boyfriend or girlfriend *urghh
its more on friend !
like the one who understand you well
i know its hard to find
and without those people
you feel that everyone around you are talking 
something that's bullshits
they only come to you when they need you 

*erk - sorry for the language

i know am not good at everything
there'll always a time when your hormone is not balance
or simply 
you're not in a good mood
all this things will come out

i really wish it wouldn't come out this time
when my finals are just around the corner
and I know that I can't go back to the past
remembering all the memories
it makes myself hurt inside

know why i prefer writing things in blog?
because I know not everyone will understand 
even if I tried to explain to them.
and am tired doing that

i do understand that everyone are so busy
handling things
since final is around the corner
i don't want this creepy thought flowing with me
I want to let it out

I might seems so tough outside
I really hope that am the same inside

am so jealous with those who have a lot of friends
who is going to wake you up in the morning
call you if you don't go to class
believe you when you say that you're sick
try to comfort you when you're not ok
and most of the time 
I just pretend to have anyone of them
even if I do
it might sounds like a miracle to me
but am sure somewhere 
there'll be a person who care about me
*excluding my family , because they surely care about me

i don't know what am talking about here
IF you (anybody) are reading this
don't feel be sad if you care and always worry about me
and I still feel this way
perhaps am just not good at such things
u know
like - having great conversation to keep people with you
or to really listen to others when they're having problem and stuff

I think I talk a lot here
and I don't know what am talking about
sorry for being so annoying here
*thinking of that back - this is my blog ~ daa ... :P

to those people who always care about me 
sorry for being such a trouble some to you

please let me fill in this courage and confident
for me to believe in myself always
please pray that for me
it's hard to motivate myself alone all the time
I wish that you'll always supporting me

till next entry

*ignore all the grammar mistakes 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

getting things done

aku budak pentadbiran korporat

tetiba nak promote kursus aku sendiri kan 
dah kenapa?

so aku rasa aku patut mula business dari sekarang
kau tahu kan aku suka baca buku business?
kau xtahu?

usually kalau aku pergi kedai buku
aku akan cari
buku business
novel melayu pun so far aku minat Ramlee Awang Murshid jer
and buku motivation
buku pelajaran tu semua belakang kira

so far utk business aku minat baca buku Robert Kiyosaki dan Donal Trump
kenapa aku minat tulisan mereka?
sebab aku rasa xde benda yang me "negatif" kan kepala otak aku nie

sebab kalau aku baca buku
" macam mana nak jadi pelajar berjaya"
aku rasa aku dah bosan
last2 aku tahu 
kalau kau baca pun
bukan kau buat
baik aku baca benda lain

tau kenapa aku cakap macam tuh?
aku tau laa
aku tgk ramai jer yang dok buang masa semua
so apa sebenarnya yang kau dapat dari buku2 motivasi sebegitu?

kalau kau betul2 praktikkan 
tu lain cerita
no offence for that matters 
ok ?
pendapat aku jer laa

getting things done
aku dah ada impian dan cita2 nak bukak business sendiri
aku dah belajar sikit buat business ngan kawan aku
dia ada business dia sendiri
tapi aku xnak kerja dengan orang
ada orang cakap
" better gain experiences dulu "
dan kadang2 aku pun takut nak start
tapi kalau aku takut
sampai bila?

aku cam x senang duduk bila 
kawan aku yang dah start kerja
or else ada sth to do
macam x wasting time
serious aku jealous
courage tuh lah nak goyah ke x
orang lain x support pun ada

dalam buku Robert Kiyosaki & Donal Trump
they talk about FOCUS
dan things to be done to be an entrepreneur
kau ingat senang nak jadi entrepreneur?

tapi tu lah yang best

benda yang aku nak
dan trust dari orang lain

bila orang tnya aku nak bukak business apa
mestilaa cam stuck jap en nak jawab apa
bila aku nak join benda2 yang lain sikit dari apa yang peeps aku buat
orang lain condemn
payah laa cam tu bro

" buat apa nak buat business sekarang? "
baik kau belajar dulu 
get experiences

tu aku tahu
tapi asyik belajar jer x best gak
kau nak aku join oraganisasi macam kat sekolah?
aku dah xde mood
kena tindas jer
tapi tu hal yang berbeza eh
sebab no offence laa
kadang2 yang sama warna kulit dan rupa pun boleh nak tindas kau
apa nak heran
nama pun manusia

*erk , dah lari tajuk

so nak x nak 
i need to get things done by me self
aku kena try
tapi IDK HOW !!!!

one of my friend want to be my coach
and i hope i can get things cleared in my mind pasal benda2 nie

please support me
its not because aku ni budak pentadbiran korporat
bukan sebab aku nak kaya jer
tapi aku nak challenges
kau tahu x perasaanya bila
orang lain x buat
tapi kau buat?

kau tahu x?

it might sounds funny
but i need that here
with my self

*aku harap aku ada jenama sendiri in the  future
and am still thinking what it is

Saturday, December 8, 2012


hello peeps 

aku rasa macam xde pape yang berlaku
tetapi hakikatnya
kerja berlambak
dan aku cam sedar x sedar benda tuh ada

assignment law so far dah nak siap
pastu bila fikir balik
aku ada assignment csc pasal flash
kitorang kena buat video
gabung semua multimedia elements

then aku ada kerja matematik
and study lagi
and and and

ouh yeah
aku ada test csc minggu depan
test dan kuiz ea
pastu test law
ouh my my
then then
ada kuiz math the next 2 weeks

nasiblaa kerja ADS aku dah siap

dengan kekuatan yang ada
aku kena siapkan jugak kerja2 nie
ok , no more tapi2
sebab kalau layan malas ni sampai bila x siap
ni kira post nak me " lame" kan diri kot
ke nak motivate ke aku pun x tahu

see ya

Thursday, December 6, 2012

konvokesyen UiTM - kak Rufa & kak Mira

salam semua
minggu ini adalah minggu yang dipenuhi dengan 

for the whole week
jalan raya di dalam kampus dipenuhi dengan kenderaan
for sure laa
parents semua pun ada datang kan :)

4 disember 2012
aku pergi tgk kakak2 aku konvo
diorang adalah kakak yang kerja sekali 
dgn aku masa cuti before masuk degree dulu

happy sangat tgk diorang kovokesyen

kitorang memang rapat
dulu masa aku kerja
diorang tgh buat latihan praktikal
so bila dah konvokesyen nie
mestilaa kita pergi tgk 


present here
Kak Rufaihah dan Kak Mira

seronok sgt dpt tgk diorang naik pentas
so , lets wait for mine okay :)
inshaa Allah :)

me & kak Mira :)

ok , this is kak Rufa
dia dapat pelajar terbaik kursus , dan
that's why jubah dia ada selempang warna pink tuh

kalau ada yang x tahu
anugerah ANC nie adalah utk mereka yang
memperolehi keputusan dekan setiap semester :)

then you should know how proud I am standing beside her right ? :D

with kak Rufaihah :)

yang nie
adik kak Rufa , me and kak Rufa :)

This is one of the great memories that I ever had
insha Allah
lets wait for mine 
another 5 semesters to go :)

see ya :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

World Aids Day 2012

Hey everybody 
Today is 1st of December 2012
and it is World AIDS Day

theme world wide theme is 
 "Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths"

lets create AWARENESS together
things that we should do is supporting
not discriminate those who have HIV and AIDS

first of all
what is HIV & AIDS?
is there any difference between them?
yes ! they are different !

Comparison chart

Is there a cure?:There is no cure for AIDS.There is an antiretroviral medication which slows the progression from HIV to AIDS, and it can keep many people healthy for many years. However, these medicines are not widely available in poor countries. There is still no cure for HIV.
How does it spread?:Only individuals affected with HIV can develop AIDS. HIV infection usually progresses to AIDS in an average of 10 years. However, someone in a resource-poor area who might not be adequately nourished may well progress to AIDS and death more rapidly.HIV is spread through sex, the exchange of certain body fluids, including blood, pre-ejaculate, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. HIV is not spread through casual contact, hugging or shaking hands.
What is it?:AIDS is the most advanced stage of the HIV disease. It occurs when the individual’s immune system is weakened by HIV to a point where the individual develops one or more of about 25 ‘opportunistic infections’ (OIs).A virus. HIV harms the body’s immune system by attacking certain cells, known as helper T cells or CD4 cells. A weakened immune system is not able to defend the body against illnesses.

retrieved from : < >

How HIV spread?

Myth about HIV

1. You can tell if someone is HIV-positive simply by looking at them ???

The vast majority of people with HIV look perfectly normal.  
 It’s only in late-stage HIV that other, more obvious symptoms emerge.                           Even then they aren’t automatically identified as HIV.

2. You can get HIV from straight sex ???
Heterosexual intercourse is now the most common way of acquiring the virus. 
It accounts for the vast majority of new cases right across the world.

3. HIV can be passed through urine or saliva ???

The virus isn’t present in high enough numbers to pose a threat this way.

4. Touching someone with HIV can pass it on ???
HIV cannot be passed on through activities, such as sharing cutlery, sitting on toilet seats or by shaking hands. Neither can it be passed on through a mosquito bite or bites from other animals or insects.

perhaps you don't have to read all articles to know about HIV and AIDS
 at least you should know something about it
rather than not knowing anything
because , as you can see
the thing that's happening is
people discriminate them
and this is not helping

and some might think
" why is he/she seems so concern about this? they have the disease? "
that's make me wonder whether they have
high educated mentality or not
because , knowing doesn't mean that you have it
aware doesn't mean that you are pertain to it

that's why we tried to have sex education since you are young
which is to avoid you from involving in anything 
awareness is needed
you still have to know
where is the limit of knowing
you should know
the objective of the education is to prevent you
not to let you into the " world " of prevention

The theme for this year is 
ERASE - Rise Up - Getting To Zero

lets make ourselves aware 

Visit the Official RRYC Page at

further reading