Friday, February 8, 2013

happy birthday to me ( 20 y/o )

hari lahir aku
rasa tua bila fikir2 balik

aku tak buat apa sangat pun
sebab family aku bukan 
jenis yang selalu sambut birthday nih
so i am not demanding for anything pun laa
plus skrg tgh holiday kan
so tak de lah present or anything from friends pun
tak laa rasa terkilan ke apa ke
sebab memang biasa birthday awal2 nie 
macam tuh kan?
x kisah pun

orang wish dekat wall facebook
or twitter
or text via phone lah
so aku pun sebab tak de buat apa sangat kan
makanya aku likes and comment  each of the wish
which makes me kinda happy jugak lah
*sort of

thanks for all the wish
and prayers
really appreciate it

and yeah 
dapat free call and sms for the whole week
sadly aku pengguna celcom
and kebanyakan kawan aku pakai maxis lah pulaks
tapi bagusnya sebab most of my best friends 
pakai celcom
*evil laugh

penat bercakap jer lah semalam
tak de apa sangat nak buat kan
ber jam-jam lah aku bercakap semalam
thanks a lot guys
you guys are awesome :)

i really really really
want to thank my mother
for going through all the pain to bring me to this world
and raising me up
I know it aint that easy right?
and yeah to my father
my siblings
for everything

and aku jugak nak ucap terima kasih kepada mereka2 
yang muncul dalam hidup aku selama ini
sad , happy or whatever emotions involved
anda semua memang terbaik lah :)

semoga Allah membalas jasa2 anda semua :)

there's always responsibilities lies underneath this growing age ...

please pray for me 
to grow up and be a better person
and better muslimah :)
inshaa Allah 


  1. Happy Birthday Syafiah, sorry lambat wish :)

    1. thank you shauki :) its ok .... I really appreciate that :D
